Thursday, November 10, 2005

Artemis Fowl

Fantasy became my new buzzword after ‘Lord of the Rings’ & the Harry Potter books. So, with me wanting to completely explore this genre, I was looking for more authors to exhaust & when Pratz mentioned Eoin Colfer’s ‘Artemis Fowl’, I was more than ready for this new adventure. Despite its hype & my huge expectations, the book did not disappoint. Thoroughly enjoyable, I can’t wait to read the entire series. The story is about a criminal-millionaire-mastermind Artemis Fowl, who happens to be a 12yr old boy. The entire Fowl’s race are pioneers in various criminal activities, so wanting to unload the Fairy community of their gold seemed to come naturally to the boy. But, when Artemis decided to capture a fairy, he hadn’t realised that he’d be getting the feisty & fiery Capt. Holly Short (of the LEPrecon Unit). What happens when these two diverse races clash, makes for a fun read. The other characters like Butler, his sister (Artemis’z allies) & Commander Root, Foaly (Holly’s comrades) add more spice to this already chilli hot book. After AF, I’m more in love with Fantasy than I was before. To Fantasy & Fowl, Addidas’z catchphrase aptly applies ‘Impossible Is Nothing’.
[No. of pages: 396]


Ram's said...

Well .. good review ... and as usual I neither read the book(s) nor watched the movie(s) Lord of th Rings/ Harry Potter(series). But no denying the fact that, I started to LOVE reading your reviews. Carry on the good work...

Noor said...

Thnx a lot.:)