Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Spy Kids

10th April 2004
Time:1000 hrs

Rite, so I went for this movie called 'Spy kids--3D Game over' on fri and what a movie it was! Now, before I tell your'll about it, let me explain the circumstances n absolute logical reasoning which led to the above event.
Circumstance :
My friend shil n I , sauntering briggs and wondering which movie to go to, an excerpt from the all-imp. conversation:
S : so which movie shall we go for?
Me : lets go for "Spy kids" (and in a voice of heightened excitation...) .."3D!!"
S(relatively unimpressed) : how about "50 first dates"?
Me(raised eyebrows n all) : That movie...??
S : yea, y not!?
Me(sputterin now...) : But spy kids is ....."3D!!!"
S:sigh!(realizing that she can't argue against my "brilliant" reasoning..) alrite...lets go for spy kids.....-3D"
& what a colossal mistake that turned out to be! The movie was more like a game being played on a low-resources system. The storyline seemed impaired , the characters under-developed and the 3D effect!?..don't even get me started on that!Let me jus say that "ridiculous" wud be praising it. And the wonderful "3-d glasses" were coloured paper stuck to a cardboard cut-out , which mite I add, we were very specifically asked "to return". Ofcourse,once the movie was over n we made our speedy exit ( I never knew I was capable of such rapid movement ), we headed to the nearest "bookstore"(yup, the jus come-in term for the roadside sellers) and picked up a wodehouse omnibus and a grisham novel(for my immediate mental replenishment)I seriously have half the mind to sue the theater for not putting up a "Strictly for Children - Below the age of 5" sign.They actually tried to emulate neo's character in the matrix of "the one " and very originally called the copy in this movie(believe or not) "the guy". Need I say more?

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