Wednesday, December 15, 2004

About the days gone by

30th May 2004
Time : 2000 hrs

Yes, I do. Have an excellent reason for my prolonged absence from my blog,that is.My comp crashed and it took a while for its resurrection.Now,what have I been upto? Well, here's what:
Saw:On the big screen:
Main hoon Na Funny.
Especially the parts between SRK & Sush.Am not gonna say much more, cause I'd just be echoing the TOI review.By the way, don't miss Tabu doing a la kajol, by appearing for a split second in the flick.
The Passion of Christ
Like its been said , very violent. Depicts the happenings during the last 12 hours of Christ's life. Though I'm not really the squeamish type, even I shut my eyes during the lashing scene, it was that brutal. Gibson seems to have a penchant for violence or rather survival of the human spirit in the face of it. Btw, loved the performances, especially that of Mary.Don't miss the final scene when Jesus is crucified and is looking heavenward, it looks like scenestraight out of a painting.
Loved the characterization. The story revolves around 3 different kinds of youth from three sections of society. Abhishek represent the lowest rung, Ajay the politically informed hero and Vivek the 'I-don't-give-a-damn' guy. Aby was so convincing as the villain , that by the end of the flick I hated him.Loved Ajay's character, thought it was beyond brilliant.Vivek, well, I really think that he along with Kareena and Esha should just quit the movies, ultra-sad performances.Overall, good movie with amazing characterization, the strongest I've seen to date.
Lord of the rings: The return of the king
Having missed the final part of the trilogy when it came to theatre's , I finally decided to get the vcd and watch it. Well, I really didn't like it - that much. It lacked the beauty of the first and the energy of the second. Watch it only if you've seen the first two.
Lilo & stitch
Well, I was bored.
The Brethren
T'was by Grisham, hence good. Its about a group of inmates who are runninga mail scam and ensnare the wrong victim.Like most(all?) his books this one too has an open ending. & a couple more stories of Wodehouse. Went: Out of station to this place called Javagal. Its a holy place where a famous seer lives.Why? Well, I needed to pray for my selves.
Right, so that was all(almost) that elapsed.Now my system is back, God is in is heaven and everything is just Fine.

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