Saturday, July 22, 2006


“God” perhaps is the most misconstrued, misused & misunderstood concept in the history of human civilization. Every religion claims it superiority over others. Wars, murders, bloodshed & hatred are all in the name of Their own God & the best part is-they don’t even know Him.

Who art thou? Or what am I? Both mean the same thing. So much of chaos right now prevails but in actuality one underlying principle is what exists. We are similar-- variants at most of an original seed. The nature or rather quality of energy is perhaps the differing factor amongst us. But that ofcourse means that we are an impure form-- that which can nevertheless be purified. When we seek the Why’s more often than not the How’s present themselves.

It is said that there are as many paths to Awakening as there are variant forms. So, no path followed by one can be followed blindly by another. Each has to seek his way, but perhaps if the variant follows a variation of a certain method, that also will yield results. Every religion in its essence is a method of Enlightenment. In a few it’s apparent, in others hidden, but always available to those who seek.

The depth of Its complexity is as startling as Its level of simplicity. Sooner or later, the rivers will find their way to the ocean. But, as we do so, let’s not dry up & make deserts but rather deltas along the paths we traverse.


Anonymous said...

Jo Raah par nahin who Gumraah hai,
Jo Raah se chalte chalte raah badale who beshaq Gumraah hai,
Jo Raah pe ho aur jise pata nahin, who bhee Gumraah hai.

To discuss, I believe there are two things of any religion. One GOD and other is rituals.
One believes he found God since he is following rituals, other believes he found God beyond rituals. Finding God is different and following rituals is different. If one says you are Atheist since you don’t follow rituals he is completely wrong.

“the best part is-they don’t even know Him.”
It is not true in everybody case. Might be one don’t know him, but certainly many knows Him very well. They fear to ignore even.

“It is said that there are as many paths to Awakening as there are variant forms”
Yes of course as there are different courses for different diseases, there is one’s own path to Awaken. “So, no path followed by one can be followed blindly by another.”

“but perhaps if the variant follows a variation of a certain method, that also will yield results” Every action yields result as every medicine does for a patient. But thing to worry here is Is the result is Good or Correct ?.Reactions could happen. Even though it was not same course given to others or same path followed by someone. It was “Varient”.

And It is just a simple Truth that
“Every religion in its essence is a method of Enlightenment. In a few it’s apparent, in others hidden, but always available to those who seek”

“Sooner or later, the rivers will find their way to the ocean.” Not a regular case and thanks for completing your sentence with “But, as we do so, let’s not dry up & make deserts but rather deltas along the paths we traverse.”
Here is where the discussion point comes, if one could make it possible to reach Ocean then what certainly remains the superiority of Almighty.Its where “Maqtub” comes into picture.One can sure wish, try and do best to reach Ocean and become a River.

Death.Many are truly feared and even don’t want to talk, forget about discuss.
I believe Journey is Life (not Life is journey) and first stop was mother's womb, second Death what we call and goes on. So why to fear about? I want to Live means I want to go to next Stop from Death to whatever one believes hell/heaven. Then Go and So on.

Aur I don’t know why one wastes his time just to Awaken or to know Truth what they call. Just Live at moment not for moment.

Anonymous said...


Interetsing post. The thing that amazes me is that ppl dont fight over GOD but an idea about what s/he thinks God is... a subtle but a profound difference.

The fights are about whose image or idea of God is more right, its a battle over the labels if you will

The reason for it IMO is that if they have this label image, then they do not have to inquire... so whats amazing is ppl are willing to die and kill rather than go ine inch in the opposite direction... which is inside, inside oneself... for if they do they will come face to face with their greatest fears... they are now face to face with GOD...



Noor said...

Yup, u'r right. It's become like..each one is cheering his team on.. without realising that we all belong to the same school. Its just the paths that are different, we are forgetting that the goal remains the same.

Noor said...

Yup, u'r right. It's become like..each one is cheering his team on.. without realising that we all belong to the same school. Its just the paths that are different, we are forgetting that the goal remains the same.

Wiseldress said...

Well Ruhi...i am not gonna over analyse what you have written or start a discussion.
All i want to say that it is beautifully written.
Hats off to u & God Bless !

Luv ... Saba

Sadiq said...

good thoughts!

Anonymous said...


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Noor said...

Thnx Sadiq

Noor said...

hey Jessica, thnx for the info & u'r kind words.

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editor said...

Linked your blog :)

Muhammad Riyaz said...

The depth of Its complexity is as startling as Its level of simplicity. Sooner or later, the rivers will find their way to the ocean. But, as we do so, let’s not dry up & make deserts but rather deltas along the paths we traverse.

Words that need to be reflected upon. God is not as complex as the sophisticated people who wants to "own" Him would present him. Yet he is so complex that we can never contain him fully. Always He is a little more.